Format: 226 Video Files (.mp4 format)
Category: CME Videos Videos/Audios
published date: 20 May 20
Make the most of your time, have fun and crush your test with high-yield, laugh-out-loud video education and an adaptive Qbank that attacks your weaknesses. Hippo EM Board Review: evidence-based, true-to-test education with a sense of humor.
1. Trauma
2. Cardiovascular
3. Signs & Symptoms
4. Abdomen and Gastrointestinal
5. Thoracic & Respiratory
6. Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat
7. Immune System
8. Musculoskeletal
9. Infectious Disorders
10. Neurology
11. Toxicology
12. Obstetrics & Gynecology
13. Psychobehavioral
14. Environmental
15. Renal & GU
16. Endocrine, Metabolic & Nutritio
17. Hematology
18. Dermatology
19. Pediatric Emergencies
20. Ultrasound
21. EMS and Disaster Medicine
22. Procedures
23. Special Topics
24. Studio Sessions with Dr. Swadron
25. Studio Sessions with Dr. Mallon